Цена 1 часа рабочей силы, как правило снижается.

Редактирование: Артур Макманус

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Строка 1: Строка 1:
<div style="padding-top:5px;background-color:#EDEBE9;width:440px;float:right;">
<center>{{#drawing:CPGB founders.jpg|438|249}}</center>
<div style="padding-top:5px;background-color:#EDEBE9;width:450px;float:right;">
<p style="margin:5px;">Early leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain. (Back Row): Jack Murphy,
William Gallacher, Wal Hannington; (Middle Row): Harry Pollitt, Ernie Cant, Tom Wintringham, Albert Inkpin; (Front Row): John R. Campbell,
'''[[Артур Макманус|Arthur McManus]]''', William Rust, Robin Page Arnot, Tom Bell.</p>
<small> [[ДОЛГИХ ЛЕТ]] / [[ТЕРРИТОРИИ]] / [[Великобритания]] /</small>
==Круг друзей==
* John MacLean (1879-1923) -> www.marxists.org/archive/maclean/index.htm
* Arthur McManus ->
* Willie Paul ->
* Jack Murphy ->
* Albert Inkpin ->
* Willie Gallacher ->
* Thomas Bell Archive ->
* Wal Hannington ->
* Harry Pollitt ->
* Tom Wintringham ->...
* Robin Page Arnot ->...
'''We Only Want the Earth'''
Some men, faint-hearted, ever seek
Our programme to retouch,
And will insist, whene’er they speak
That we demand too much.
’Tis passing strange, yet I declare
Such statements give me mirth,
For our demands most moderate are,
We only want the earth.
“Be moderate,” the trimmers cry,
Who dread the tyrants’ thunder.
“ You ask too much and people fly
From you aghast in wonder.”
’Tis passing strange, for I declare
Such statements give me mirth,
For our demands most moderate are,
We only want the earth.
<div style="padding-top:5px;background-color:#EDEBE9;width:340px;float:right;">
<center><html5media height="180">File:We Only Want the Earth.mp4</html5media>
<p style="margin:5px;">We Only Want the Earth (1907)</p></center>
Our masters all a godly crew,
Whose hearts throb for the poor,
Their sympathies assure us, too,
If our demands were fewer.
Most generous souls! But please observe,
What they enjoy from birth
Is all we ever had the nerve
To ask, that is, the earth.
The “labour fakir” full of guile,
Base doctrine ever preaches,
And whilst he bleeds the rank and file
Tame moderation teaches.
Yet, in despite, we’ll see the day
When, with sword in its girth,
Labour shall march in war array
To realize its own, the earth.
<div style="padding-top:5px;background-color:#EDEBE9;width:460px;float:right;">
<center>{{#drawing:McManus Co.jpg|440|271}}</center>
<center>{{#drawing:McManus Co.jpg|440|271}}</center>
<p style="margin:5px;">Arthur McManus, Jack Murphy, Albert Inkpin and Willie Gallacher</p>
<p style="margin:5px;">Артур Макманус захоронен под № 3 у Кремлевской стены, после Свердлова. Участник 3-го конгресса Коминтерна (1921); избран членом Исполкома (ИККИ) и Президиума Коминтерна (ПККИ).</p>
For labour long, with sighs and tears,
To its oppressors knelt.
But never yet, to aught save fears,
Did the heart of tyrant melt.
We need not kneel, our cause is high
Of true men there's no dearth
And our victorious rallying cry
Shall be we want the earth!
* spartacus-educational.com/CRImcmanus.htm

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